To the End

CD Cover Abraham & the Tribe

Review by Darren Kerr

Phillip Abraham and his Tribe belong to that sub-genre that I like to call 'Lower Mainland beer store rock.' Competent hard rock influenced by 70's and 80's classic hit radio stuff like April Wine, Trooper and Chilliwack. Simple tunes that were probably created on an acoustic guitar on a back porch with a bunch of friends drinking beer.

And there ain't nothing wrong with that. In this day and age it doesn't have much of a market, but that's not mine to comment on. The Tribe throw a few new wrinkles in, particularly the neat guitar delay on "Meet You in the Valley," and the overall guitar sound seems to be more meaty than the rest of the like-minded ilk. They have a good sense of melody, and at times a more modern sound like Alice in Chains comes creeping through.

What else can I say? Recommended to people with two pit bulls and junked cars in the driveway, and, of course, people in Mission.

Artist Contact Info: #619, 242-757 W. Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6C 3M6,

First published in Drop-D Magazine on May 29, 1998

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