How to Get Reviewed in Drop-D
You have probably already seen examples of reviews of
live music and
recordings in Drop-D.
Wondering how to get your band/record reviewed, too?
Live Shows
Have you a show coming up in the Vancouver area?
Contact us (by fax or email,
preferably) and give us the following info:
- who is playing at the gig (not just you)
- date and time
- venue (with address if it's not a common venue)
- admission price
- name and number of who to contact re. the guest list
We don't make any promises, but if we know about your
show, who knows? As a plus, we will add you to
our online show listings...
Recorded Stuff
We accept submissions for review. However, we have some priorities
in what we cover.
- First, the product has to be "somewhat" recent. It doesn't
have to have been released last week, but a year ago is not good.
- We give first priority to British Columbia musicians. In
fact, they are the only ones who currently have material reviewed
in the PRINT version of Drop-D. The next priority is Canadian
material, then international. Non-B.C. releases are typically
only reviewed online.
If you're not sure if we'll review your stuff, please ask,
rather than sending something and being disappointed. We try
to review a lot of stuff, but we simply can't review
So, if you want to submit something, then
mail (or drop off)
TWO copies of the CD (or whatever), as well as a bio and
photo, if you have one. Why two? Well, you've probably
seen we do a scan and a sample for each review. It makes
my life a LOT easier if I don't have to track the CD down
after it's gone for review. And if you make my life easier,
you're more likely to get reviewed. I.e. send one copy
and you reduce your chances...
NOTE: British Columbia bands and musicians MUST send
two copies of their release in order to be reviewed.
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