Review by Nolan Webb
These two brand-spanking new discs come courtesy
of Skinny Puppy co-founder cEvin Key and Soviet France's mark
Spybey. The band's bio sums up this modern cohesion perfectly
by describing Download as "straddling the axis where industrial,
ambient, electronic and improvised noise meet." Quite simply
put, this is the future of electronic music in the twenty-first
This project falls along the same path once walked
by the likes of Skinny Puppy, but this ride is altogether fresh,
with its ambient noises and morphing beats. If you close your
eyes while listening to download, you can almost transport yourself
to another realm, a post-modern dancehall for your mind. "This
is the time we make noises/Playing the game of mixing," states
a sampled voice during one of the timeless tracks. Download not
only plays the game of mixing well, they have re-written the rules
of the game altogether.
*[ed. How do you take a representative sample from CDs like
these? So, we provide the first 35-or-so seconds from the CD The Eyes
of Stanley Pain.]
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