Happily Ever After

CD Cover Rose Chronicles

Review by Nolan Webb

44-second excerpt from "Vicious Thorn" (various formats)

From the first gasps and shrieks of the opening track "Bruise," it becomes obvious that Vancouver's Rose Chronicles are back with a confident bang. The songwriting team of vocalist Kristy Thirsk and guitar genius Richard Maranda has created a fabulous follow-up to the band's successful debut Shiver. Thirsk's captivating soprano has no boundaries when blended with the moody layers of Maranda's weaving guitar.

Out of the hysteria surrounding their 1995 Juno for best alternative group has emerged a band committed to their distinct sound, even with their revamped rhythm section. Pulled in by their poetry-in-motion, one can't but help get hooked on the natural highs of such tracks as "Voice in Sail" and "Vicious Thorn." Singles abound on this album, providing a satisfying experience that should not be overlooked.

First published in Drop-D Magazine on November 8, 1996

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