Review by Daniel Ewacha
Photography by Rodney Gitzel
Performing a most inspired set, the band pumped the crowd
into a frenzy. Vocalist Skin, with her exploding bursts of vocals
and stage demeanour, did not leave any part of the stage untrampled
or allow any member of the audience to leave without a workout.
I personally felt absolutely exhausted after their show and I
was leaning against a post all night. Skunk Ananasie, fueled
by the crowd's intensity, threw caution to the wind and left victorious,
leaving the other two bands in their wake.
In any event, those people who did arrive early enough
to see the pride of the Fraser Valley, Mystery Machine, were also
thoroughly entertained. Kicking off the night's festivities,
Mystery Machine delighted the crowd with their mix of pop, punk,
and persona. It was my first time seeing them, although I've
heard their name so much before, and I found I was left yearning
for a bit more substance, instead of the all too common typical
guitar noise. Still, Mystery Machine's use of melody and their
fearlessness at trying something different left me ultimately
I don't know if it was the music, or the fact that it
was a Monday night, that made half the audience leave after Skunk
Ananasie finished their set. For me, it was a combination of
both. In view of Ammonia having come all the way from Perth,
Australia, I felt compelled to stay for at least half their set.
But, I left after three songs, tired of hearing more of the same
old grunge noise yet again. I'll take INXS any day!
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