The Maximum Daddy

CD Cover Maxi Dadd
Prezidential Records

Review by Darren Kerr

45-second excerpt from "More" (various formats)

If Rogue, the traitorous gang member who invited the Warriors to "come out and play-ay" ever fronted a mondo weirdo aggro industro band, or if Robin Zander shanghai'd Marilyn Manson and took over the freak show, this is what they would sound like.

Guitars thick as a fast-food milkshake meld with astro wheedle keyboards, meaty pulse bass and vocals both distorted and ethereal to form a heavy psychedelic clusterfuck. Songs like "More," with its Floydish ending, and "Cantina," which sounds like a flamenco Portishead revamping "The Great Gig in the Sky," stand along crushing tracks like "A Feast in the Bath (8 Layer Dip)" (with the chorus "tell me lies but don't talk shit") and the trippy slowburn of "Devistator."

The three pieces closing out the album are soundscapes: "Fourhead" is in the realm of vintage Gong and P-Funk's "Maggot Brain," with some lysergic string-slinging by Sho Murray and Paul Floyd; "Banana Inferno" is the sound of keyboardist Sancholuxurious reaching synth nirvana after biting through his restraints; and "Transmission: Hello" is high-pitched fuckery that should not be listened to loud through headphones lest you are trying to teach your ears a lesson.

A spectacular first release given a great mix by Larry Anschell and Tridon -- in lesser hands this could've been a mess. But, hey, guys, send me a lyric sheet so I can find out how cosmic you really are...

Artist Contact Info: c/o #280, 2088 No. 5 Rd., Richmond, B.C., V6X 2T1

First published in Drop-D Magazine on February 1, 1997

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