Waste Not, Lose Out

Music Waste '96 Logo The 3rd Annual Music Waste Festival
Over 100 Bands
All Sorts of Venues
Vancouver, B.C.
May 2-5, 1996

Brief preview and stock photography by Rodney Gitzel

Siobhan Duvall You were wondering what the alternative to alternative is? Well, here you are. In three years, a four-band show has bred like bunnies into a 100+ band festival, with not a major label contract to be found among 'em. Not bad for a bunch of 'little' guys, eh?

The latest issues of Terminal City include festival schedules, and if you're in town for Music West, you won't be able to miss the Music Waste posters which I would expect to be found everywhere, so check them out. There are (so far) over 100 bands spread over about a dozen venues across the city (mostly downtown), and all shows are cheap if not free!! Sorry, Music West wristbands not honoured here.

The Loved One Picking the shows to hit is a little tougher at this festival. Personally, I have never even heard of most of the bands. But, hey, that's part of the fun, and you can always move onto the next show. Recommendations? Fellow former-Edmontonians The Loved One are still cranking out pretty wicked shows; Siobhan Duvall, formerly of a favourite (dead) Vancouver band, the Bombshells, is now fronting Fon Fon; also of note are Zolty Cracker, The Insipids, Terror of Tiny Town, knockdownginger, Coal, and the Beauticians. But why are you taking my word for it? Get out and find the good bands yourself!!!

First published in Drop-D Magazine on May 2, 1996

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