Review by Kevin Templeton
Rhythm-heavy and experimental, Custom's self-titled recording
is a vehicular workout for your formatted musical senses. I've
been listening to the disc on random play for a number of weeks,
and it's easy to feel the heated eccentricity that these twelve
songs spew forth, recalling the Melvins during the droning psychedelic
exercises, and even Frank Zappa during certain improv moments.
Jumping from groove-to-grind-to-wank-to-dub isn't a problem for
Custom, with the end result for the listener being a little
on the vague side (but enjoyably vague).
This CD seems to serve as more of a studio project than anything else, and I'd be willing to bet that project coordinators John Yates and Steve C. Carel have their share of recording experience. The sounds they've developed within this blue, droning opus are mechanically open-ended... almost to a messy fault.
Tune in, turn on, drop out.
Artist Contact Info: 3-712 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6Z 1A2, (604) 871-3322,
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