
CD Cover Helmet

Review by Kevin Templeton

45-second excerpt from "Birth Defect" (various formats)

Had I not received Helmet's latest disc for review purposes, I probably would've passed it by, as I disliked 94's Betty, the group's last offering (which I had impulsively bought). It's three years later, and, as to be expected, Aftertaste continues on in the same polished grunt-metal vein, narrowing yet advancing Page Hamilton's songwriting "prowess" to blunt new levels on cuts like "Pure," "Like I Care," and "Birth Defect." Helmet's formulaic songs involve working a groove to the hilt, and it usually makes for interesting, if tiresome, listening, and their latest workout is no exception.

Although I consider myself a fan of Helmet's riffs... er, music, I can't help feeling that they could sound a little more dangerous than this. Still, rock 'n roll needs more voices like Hamilton's and Aftertaste may well prove to be your last chance to get in on the flavour.

First published in Drop-D Magazine on July 12, 1997

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