Review by Darren Kerr
Photography by Rodney Gitzel
Faith No More opened tonight's set in true dramatic fashion with the big-sounding, but relatively sedate, "Midnight Cowboy." Patton then graciously asked if we were ready before tearing into "Collision," the lead-off track from the band's new CD, Album of the Year. All kinds of fresh hell broke loose -- it was like someone turned the radio on and threw it into the bathtub. Electricity. Pits to the left of me, pits to the right of me, pits right beside the bar (much to the chagrin of the bar staff).
Patton was everywhere, constantly airborne, looking
like Johnny Depp doing Wayne Newton on amyl nitrate. And if Patton
was Wayne Newton, then new guitarist Jon Hudson was Danny Kaye,
grimacing, stretching his face for fans, while nonchalantly whipping
off crushing chords and ominous arpeggios.
The band played a good range of tunes from of all their
albums, including "Introduce Yourself" and "Epic,"
the only songs from the band's first two records. ("Epic"
was given a workout which made me forget that many moons ago the
song was destroyed for me by radio.) Bone-battering renditions
of "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies," "Home Sick
Home" ("this is country music," Patton drawled)
and "Mouth to Mouth" had bassist Billy Gould boppin'
and bangin' like he was Pantera's first draft pick.
Few frontmen can develop a rapport with an audience
while at the same time berating and antagonizing them like Mike
Patton can. And, as with Tom Waits, his between-song patter alone
is worth the price of admission. "So, do you think you're
more British or more Columbian?" he asked. The crowd of
course yelled back, "Columbian," but Patton got the
last word: "You look fuckin' British to me!"
Later he noted, "I'm gonna switch from martinis to wine,
now. See if you can notice a difference in the set." I
could -- it got weirder. The band entered
Gibby Haynes' domain
for an extra-terrestrial feedback-riddled group hug at the end
of "King for a Day."
Anyone who thought that maybe keyboardist Roddy Bottum
would bring some of that Imperial Teen crap to the Faith No More
table will be happy to hear that his synth sounds are still as
beautiful and as sick as ever. Syncopated xylophone careening
madly into low, rumbling give-that-man-a-high-colonic type quakes.
On this night we heard it all, peppered throughout every song.
I wonder if Paul Schaffer could phantom-hunch over an organ half
as well...
The boys did give us an encore, featuring a fiery
version of "Coffee" in which the band pistoned like
they'd had too many carafes, the techoswirl of "Strip Search"
and some long meandering crooner which had Patton playing way
too much of his keyboard horn.
Faith No More took their albums and mainlined them
full of adrenaline and battery acid for this performance. And,
though he probably wouldn't admit it, I think Patton enjoyed himself,
Lowercase are a three-piece on Amphetamine Reptile
who sound like Steel Pole Bathtub, Distorted Pony... you know,
that discombobulated convulsion sound. The guitarist and bassist
had matching sideburns which made them look like McA in the Beasties'
"Sabotage" video, and they were loud, repetitive and
took us on a journey I wouldn't want to take again, even though
I'm always trying to get to that destination myself.
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