Review and photography by Rodney Gitzel
It was also one of those nights I had my lead written before I left. It's sad, as I quite enjoy Catherine Wheel's two previous albums (1993's Chrome -- one of the best records of that year -- and 1995's Happy Days), but this performance made me want to not hear their new CD, Adam and Eve.
The show started off all sweet noise. Feedback. Harmonica. Acoustic guitars. Slow. Feedback. Vocalist Rob Dickinson then brought out his electric guitar for a couple new songs, and proceeded to define the tone for the night: lethargy. "Geeez," I thought. "They're dead!" No energy, no edge. Are they tired? Lazy? Uninspired?
"Crank," from Chrome, would pick
things up, I thought. And it did, a little, and the crowd (about
two-thirds capacity) was really enthusiastic about it -- it must
have been that record's hit. Still, the band spent rest of the
night in a sort of folkie mood, a far cry from their Town Pump
show in '95, which was hot and intense (someday I'll upload some
photos from the show). Someone else noted, "It's like they
want to be Radiohead." But Radiohead, at least, are compelling
Frankly, I really wanted to just leave. "Heal" was painfully dragged out, as were a whole pile of (presumably) new tunes. "My Solitude" ("Ma Solituda," according to their website) -- "a song about self-absorption... selfishness... all the thing that men are good at, right girls?" said Dickinson -- was a particularly bad attempt at folk rock noise. Radiohead they aren't. And, oddly, with all this mellow stuff going on, they didn't play "Eat My Dust, You Insensitive Fuck"! (Though you could buy a t-shirt with the song title on it.)
The set finally ended and the crowd clapped and chanted
for quite awhile, like they were required to really work before
they'd get to hear the hit. The band returned to the stage and
broke into some spacey guitar noodling which led into Dickinson
intoning "Look into the skyyyy, dadeo... ," which
croon-wise sounded a lot like R.E.M.'s "Hairshirt."
Then, finally... thankfully... the soundman cranked up the swirling lights and Catherine Wheel awoke from their sleep to play "Little Muscle." Woohoo! Finally, something approaching their previous shows. They ended with the song everyone was waiting for, "Way Down" (from Happy Days), lights flashing, bass bopping, crowd going wild. Ok, I'm almost glad I stayed...
Am I being closed-minded, unwilling to consider a new direction a band wants to take? Maybe. But I left comparing this show to that Town Pump show, and, even ignoring the songs themselves, this one was quite pale in comparison. Change direction if you like, but if it sounds bad and you play it badly, I'm not going to follow...
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