Review by Alphonse Leong
Photography by Rodney Gitzel
First up, Trike Wipeout, who struck me a bit like Rollins Band with a little more charm and a lot less attitude. Sure, the singer still shouted himself hoarse and there was that chainsaw guitar, but you didn't want to strangle them. And they had cool baseball team-like stickers that they had made just the day before.
Then the real fun began, as Blammo went all-out
(or at least $250 worth) in the visual effects department, even
bringing on three girls (the Blammettes!) in provocative nurse
outfits to do backup vocals (though they mostly just danced and flailed
around). When these nurses got sullied with "blood"
(pumpkin guts, food colouring and cornstarch, I was told) halfway
through the set, it totally obliterated the memory of that sweet
nurse I knew when I was eight...
The band's singer came onstage in a fire suit (with
helmet a-flame, of course), turned out to be painted silver end-to-end
and, by the last song, was clad only in a pumpkin-stained G-string
(I'll leave it to you to figure out how it got stained). With
all the fire-breathing and muck-tossing going on -- not to forget
the flash bombs, the spark-spewing guitars, the flaming cymbals,
etc., etc. -- it was hard to get a handle on the music, but I do
recall a lot of yelling and churning guitars.
Though they had the least theatrics, Hissy Fit made the biggest musical impact. Quite accurately dressed up as a slimmer version of Xena the Warrior Princess, vocalist/guitarist Gisele Grignet was in fine form, delivering her trademark tortured rasp and tossing out Halloween treats to the audience. She was really energetic on guitar, too, attacking it like she really was a swashbuckler from another land! A newer tune called "For the Boys" stood out and featured crisp, understated guitar work from Terry Armstrong. And with the frenetic tempo of the songs, I don't know how drummer Scott Wong made it through the whole set with a huge space-creature mask on his head!
Like KISS, final act JP5
had a bellicose guy to introduce
them, except this guy was ten times more annoying and he stuck
around through the whole performance. He didn't ruin it, though:
the band turned in a peculiarly entertaining set. Peculiar because
the musicianship and material weren't great, but there was an
undeniable appeal to how vocalist Gerry-Jenn Wilson and bassist
Ms. Liguaya (nicely attired in a Wonder Woman costume) ran their
With a voice that brings Fran Drescher to mind,
Wilson didn't really sing her lyrics as much as she just
"declared" them. Her real focus was moving around and
doing odd things, like perching on the bass drum, holding up signs
or just preening like a drunken -- and eventually very blood-soaked
-- Vegas showgirl. She never seemed self-conscious; it was like
watching a toddler at play. That is, if you overlooked the slinky,
demented nurse uniform she was wearing. "Accident Prone"
was a memorable and chunky guitar number -- appropriate, too, as
Wilson nearly crashed into the drum kit!
It was a show that overloaded your senses -- and it reminded me of why I never hung around with the egg-throwing kids on Hallowe'en night.
Sound like fun? Blammo (and the Blammettes, of course) are planning something
even greater for their Christmas show. Be at the Brickyard on
Saturday, December 20th, if you dare!
And for more visual carnage, check out this other page
of photos from the show...
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