Obviously Oblivious

CD Cover Highway Freak Ticket

Review by Darren Kerr

45-second excerpt from "Pedestrian" (various formats)

Big guitars, big vocals, big hair rock -- big deal. Highway Freak Ticket should've called this album Love Battery 'cause then they could've milked the novelty for whatever petty notoriety it's worth. I guess the problem I have with this band is that their songs just aren't memorable. The singer sounds like Geoff Tate via Bobby Elsworth without reaching the dramatic heights of the former or the cheezball overkill of the latter. Recommended to Lunatic Fringe throwbacks, hair farmers and people who miss MEAT magazine.

Artist Contact Info: c/o Amar Management, 415A - 470 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6C 1V5, rperreau@portal.ca

First published in Drop-D Magazine on August 1, 1997

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