Review by Darren Kerr
Wiggler is the moniker given to that which pours
forth from Mr! Erik's brain. "Mr! Erik" is semi-legendary
for his battles with Riot Grrl Vancouver in Emit Magazine
four years ago, and, as with the early material from Ween and
Sockeye, his usual domain is the home studio. But this
disc of artificial fuzz, bizarro Devo plop music and irreverent
(some would say juvenile) humour was recorded in full multi-tracked
Well, what do you want first? The pros or the cons? The cons? Okay. "Cinnamon Bun Girl" goes for a typically indie lo-fi sounding pop ditty. You're not Lou Barlow, Erik, so why lower yourself to normalcy? Your guitar tone doesn't change very often, either. Come on, man, I know you've got a big bad fuck pedal hiding behind that life-size Jason Priestly cardboard cutout. On the pros side, some of the songs have a freaky Fred Schneider (B-52's) quality ("Th'Each'n'th'Both," "Rotunda - Son of Car") and the arrangements are anything but typical.
If you're not careful, you'll find yourself humming these tunes in church or your workplace. And you'll find yourself excommunicated or fired. That would be nice; Mr! Erik would be pleased.
Artist Contact Info: 304 - 1110 W. 10 Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6H 1J1,
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